Corrado Priami
The Microsoft Research - University of Trento COSBI and University of Trento, Italy
Title: A novel data-driven identification and activity scoring of functional modules – the case of a cell differentiation process - and a minimal graphical language (bStyle) to model and simulate biological processes.
Biography: Corrado Priami
High dimensional analysis of the complex processes involved in cellular processes focus on unbiased methods to identify pathways. However, many bioinformatic tools generate lists of pathways with p values, but do not score the pathways relative to each other or to other interacting parts of the system. I present a newly developed computational method Network Activity Score finder (NASFinder) to identifiy tissue-specific, omics-determined sub-networks and the connections with their main upstream regulator receptors to obtain a systems view of the differentiation of human adipocytes. After module identification we usually move to dynamic simulation of their behavior. Many graphical languages have been designed to model and simulate biological systems. Many of them are ambiguous and does not allow a smooth mapping to computational models and many of them suffer the syndrome of a new symbol for a new case. I present a minimal and not ambiguos language and a supporting tool for it.