Corrado Priami
President and CEO
The Microsoft Research, University of Trento COSBI
Corrado Priami is professor of Computer Science at the University of Trento. The results of his PhD thesis on stochastic pi-calculus were the basis for the foundation of the Microsoft Research - University of Trento Centre for Computational and Systems Biology (COSBI), of which he is the President and CEO. His research covers programming languages and computational methods for the modeling, analysis, and simulation of biological processes in the fields of systems nutrition and systems pharmacology. He published over 180 scientific papers, gave more than 60 invited talks and lectures at conferences and universities around the world, participated in many program committees for international conferences (also as chair), regularly serves in advisory and scientific boards and reviewing panels for many international funding agencies and institutions.
Research Interest
• Algorithmic Systems Biology
• Multi-source, hierarchical (omics) data analysis and integration
• Dynamic modeling and simulation